Holiday Dental Care Tips

  1. Avoid Desserts and SweetsOkay well maybe don’t avoid the sweets. The party may offer a multitude of sugary snacks and holiday desserts, but don’t forget that drinks like eggnog, hot cocoa, punch and most liqueurs contain a high level of sugars. Take a quick trip to the restroom and brush. By limiting your consumption, you can deter unwanted tooth decay while reducing any harmful effects to your waistline.
  2. Try Not to StressIf the season is stressing you out, you may find yourself grinding or clinching your teeth during stressful situations and often while you sleep. This can cause headaches and jaw pain, as well as damaged teeth and dental work. The best way to address this problem is to use a dental mouth guard, which won’t stop the grinding but can prevent it from causing pain.
  3. Don’t Forget Your ToothbrushHoliday parties with friends and family are about gathering together where lots of food and beverages are on hand. By bringing a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss, you can periodically excuse yourself to take care of your teeth. If you cannot do this, at least try to rinse your mouth with water between dinner courses or chew sugar-less gums.
  4. Have an Emergency Dental ContactThe wrong bite into a candy cane can result in a dental disaster. You may chip a tooth, lose a filling, or break a crown while on vacation or when the dentist’s office is closed. Contact Dr. Kasari’s office to see if they can provide you with emergency dental care over the holiday season.
  5. Take Care of Your TeethThe holiday fun can keep you distracted, but as long as your oral health care becomes a habit, you can continue the holiday fun without fretting about your teeth. Make a resolution to brush and floss regularly and schedule routine check ups with your dentist.

If you are in the San Diego area this season for the holidays we are here for all you’re emergency dental needs.